The Singhania University is legislated by the Government of Rajasthan, under the Singhania University, Pacheri Bari (Jhunjhunu) Act 2007
(Act No.F.2 (9) Vidhi/2/2008)/ Dated March 29, 2008, published in the Rajasthan Government gazette on 29th March 2008, University acting through
its academic council shall be entitled to run all the courses for which the degrees are notified under section 22 of the UGC Act, 1956.
All the degrees / diplomas certificates duly awarded /granted by the University shall automatically be entitled to be recognized
for Central and State government employment as per H.R.D Ministry circular notification No. F. 18-27/70-T.2 dated November 20, 1970.Singhania
University, Pacheri Bari (Jhunjhunu), Rajasthan, is fully recognized and approved by University Grant Commission (UGC) vide letter no. F. 4-1/2009
(CPP-1) dated 01 May, 2009. Singhania University is the esteem member of International Accreditation Organization (IAO). Singhania University is the
first University in the country who has been awarded the prestigious ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 certification by QS Group Zurich AG-Switzerland. Singhania University since its embodiment has only focused on capacity building, employment centric, entrepreneurship oriented and empowerment essential education. The University has engineered various programmes related to skill development in almost all possible spheres. The University has adopted National Vocational Education Qualification Framework (NVEQF) to advocate vocational and conventional education and also to catalyze the student of conventional to vocational and vice-verse. With tremendous placement record in capacity building the University is also conducting programmes of the level of certificate /diploma/advance diploma of durations varying from 1 day to 4 years. The objective of the university is to stimulate the masses to work for the socio-economic development of the country and harness the prevailing demographic dividend. The University with its Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs) inseminates the empowerment factor which helps in building employment through entrepreneurs. In order to expand the accessibility and the qualitative improvement in the Vocational and Higher Education, through Skill Development, Entrepreneurial Development, Intellectual Teaching and for realizing India’s human resource potential to its fullest with equity and also for promoting the cause of national education with capacity building for excellent employability amongst the students, the Singhania University, (A State University Of Rajasthan) has resolved to conduct National Vocational education qualification Framework (NVEQF) capacity building programmes related Arts, Social Sciences, Education, Journalism & Mass Communication, Management, Commerce, Para Medical, Sciences & Technology and other courses with Knowledge Resource Support from National Centre for Internship & Studies (NCIS) for imparting skills to the students through backward and forward linkages.
The University Diploma is recognized all over India and abroad. AICTE- Communication discloses that, University run
Diploma/Degree does not require the approval of AICTE, Advt. No. AICTE/Legal/ 03(01)/2006-07, by order of the member secretary.
Supreme Court Ruling- 2861 Air 2001, from 1998 vide LR 821 Madras S. Rajendra Babu and Doraiswamy Raju, T.T. Civil Appeal No. 2056 of 199.D0-24-9-2001, Prior approval of (AICTE) is not
intended to be an superior authority to control universities. Thus Diploma/Degree awarded by Singhania University is Recognized all over India and abroad. Clarification on AICTE approval
Under the AICTE Act and its subsequent Regulations, Universities established under a State or Central Act in accordance with Section 2(f) and 3 of the UGC Act. 1956, do not require AICTE approval. However, the Universities are only required to maintain AICTE norms and standards and require no prior approval of AICTE for starting Technical & Professional course.
This has also been clarified by the Hon ble Supreme Court’s Judgment in the case of Bharathidasan University v/s AICTE where in the court had
ruled that:
“It is not mandatory for a University, created under an Act, to seek & secure prior approval of the AICTE to start a department for imparting
a course or program in technical education or technical institution as an adjunct to the University itself to conduct technical courses of its
choice & selection. The Bench also said that the definition of Technical Institution excludes from its purview a University, and when by
definition a University is excluded from a technical institution to interpret that such a clause or such an expression, wherever the expression
technical institution occurs, will include a University will be reading into the Act what is not provided therein”.